滿有能力 I Am Strengthened in Him

A 4/4 44 150 中,英 約4:14,約壹4:4-6,加2:20,羅8:37
作詞: 鄭懋柔 Tiffany M. Cheng 作曲: 游智婷 Sandy Yu 詩歌本: 讚美之泉兒童敬拜讚美專輯01-小小的夢想 1
我的盼望,就在耶穌基督裡,在你裡面滿有平安 生命泉源,就在耶穌基督裡,有主在我裡面活著 [Chorus] 我宣告在我裡面的比世上一切更有能力 我不屬這世界,我高舉耶穌的名! 我宣告:在我裡面有活水湧流滿有能力 有耶穌在我裡面活著,我勇敢站立! 有耶穌在我裡面活著,我勇敢站立! [Bridge] 有主在我裡面,沒有懼怕,能戰勝仇敵 有主在我裡面,沒有懼怕,還得勝有餘! 有主在我裡面,沒有懼怕,能戰勝仇敵 有主在我裡面,沒有懼怕,還得勝有餘! [Bridge] 有耶穌在我裡面活著,我勇敢站立! 有耶穌在我裡面活著,我勇敢站立! All of My hope lies in Jesus Christ alone. For I Know that He Is My peace. All of My joy lies in Jesus Christ alone. For I Know that forever more. [Chorus] Declare, the One who's within me is greater than the one in the world. I'm not of this world,I belong to Jesus,the King. Declare, the One who's within me is greater than the one in the world. I Know that the King lives in me.I am stregthened in Him! [Bridge] Load, who lives in me conquers all of my enemies. My Load, who lives in me is my portion, my victory




