厚恩待我 Your Grace Covers Me

F 4/4 50 72 中,英 詩13:5-6,23:6, 林後 12:9
作詞: 鄭懋柔 Tiffany M. Chen 作曲: 游智婷 Sandy Yu 詩歌本: 讚美之泉26-聽見這世代的呼喚 2
[Verse] 我行在高處 數算祢恩典 祢向我所存的意念比繁星還多 我經過低谷 思想祢信實 無論何時 恩典夠用 能力覆庇我 [Chorus] 我要向耶和華歌唱 耶和華歌唱 祢用厚恩待我 倚靠祢的慈愛 救恩使我心快樂 我要向耶和華歌唱 耶和華歌唱 我必不致動搖 祢仰臉賜恩給我 恩惠慈愛隨著我 [Bridge] 清晨夜晚 向祢呼籲 祢用厚恩待我 信實無止盡 清晨夜晚 向祢呼籲 祢用厚恩待我 信實無止盡 [Verse] In the highest place, I will count Your grace. More than all the stars in the sky are Your thoughts for me. In the lowest place, I’ll know Your faithfulness. In my weakness, You are strong, Lord. You’re more than enough. [Chorus] So I will sing a song of joy, sing a song of joy, for Your grace covers me. Trusting in Your kindness, Your salvation lifts me up. So I will sing a song of joy, sing a song of joy, You alone are my rock. Let Your glory and Your grace follow me all of my days. [Bridge] From morning to evening, I’ll call out to You. Your faithfulness remains. Your grace will never change. From morning to evening, I’ll call out to You. Your faithfulness remains. Your grace will never change. So I will sing a song of joy, sing a song of joy, for Your grace covers me.




