蒙恩 Favor In Your Eyes

E 4/4 50 68 中,英 出33:13, 34:9, 詩5:12
作詞: 游智婷 Sandy Yu 作曲: 曾祥怡 Grace Tseng 詩歌本: 讚美之泉26-聽見這世代的呼喚 1
[Verse] 我若在祢眼前蒙恩 求祢將道路指示我 使我認識祢 敬畏祢 在祢眼前蒙恩 我若在祢眼前蒙恩 求祢赦免我們的罪 親自與我們 一同行走 以我們為祢產業 [Chorus] 我們是蒙大恩的子民 豐盛的慈愛四面環繞 祢必憐憫 祢必恩待 無盡的恩惠一生跟隨 我們是蒙大恩的子民 豐盛的慈愛四面環繞 祢必憐憫 祢必恩待 祢必親自與我同行 [Coda] 我若在祢眼前蒙恩 求祢赦免我們的罪 與我們同行 仰臉光照 在祢眼前蒙恩 [Verse] If I’ve found favor in Your eyes, please guide me on this path of life. Let me know Your ways, honor You. I’m blessed in Your sight. If I’ve found favor in Your eyes, come and forgive us of our sins. If You’re pleased with me, go with me, for we belong to You. [Chorus] Blessed are the people of God. We are wrapped in the fullness of His love. Let Your mercy and Your kindness bless us through all days of our lives. Blessed are the people of God. We are wrapped in the fullness of His love. Let Your grace and Your presence walk with me day after day. [Coda] If I’ve found favor in Your eyes, come and forgive us of our sins. Would You walk with us, and shine on us. I’m blessed in Your sight.




