賜福在這地 Send Thy Blessing On This Land

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作詞: 鄭懋柔 Tiffany M. Cheng 作曲: 游智婷 Sandy Yu 詩歌本: 讚美之泉28 恢復敬拜 2
[Verse ] 1.信實神賜下永恆的約 以慈愛 誠實恩待我們 信靠祢 我必不致缺乏 有豐盛 有新酒滿溢 2.祢要以華冠代替灰塵 我獻上感恩代替哭泣 祢百姓要穿上讚美衣 我的口要歡欣敬拜祢 [Chorus] 神祢賜福在這地 賜福在這地 公義為袍 拯救為衣 神祢賜福在這地 賜福在這地 保護 遮蔽 到泉源之地 [Verse ] 1. Faithful God Thou mad a covenant. Thou made a covenant. thou hast graced us with kindness and truth. we shall trust in thy abundant love, for my cup shall always overflow. 2. thou hast crowned us with beauty and joy. I shall offer up my thankful heart. putting on the garment of praise, I Shall sing a song to praise thy name. [Chorus] Send Thy blessing on this land. Bless Thy people,Lord. Thy righteousness hast covered me. Send Thy blessing on this land. Bless and keep us, Lord. Let grace abound like a flowing stream.


讚美之泉28 恢復敬拜

Stream of Praise Music Ministries


Stream of Praise Music Ministries