十架的大能 The Power Of The Cross

A 4/4 42 66 中,英 羅 5:8; 彼前 2:24; 加 2:20; 羅 8:11
作詞: 曾祥怡 Grace Tseng 作曲: 游智婷 Sandy Yu、曾祥怡 Grace Tseng 詩歌本: 讚美之泉28 恢復敬拜 5
[Verse] 各各他耶穌受難 天父愛我的彰顯 永恆盼望的生命 榮耀恩典為我冠冕 [Chorus] 感謝耶穌 十架的大能 領受祢的身體和寶血 因祢受鞭傷 我必得醫治 高舉雙手來領受 感謝耶穌 我罪得赦免 在我裡面是基督活著 得平安 得饒恕 蒙恩惠 得保護 復活的大能 住在我裡面 [Bridge] 醫治我 潔淨我 醫治我 潔淨我 [Tag] 得平安 得饒恕 蒙恩惠 得保護 復活的大能 住在我裡面 Jesus died upon that hill. Father's love revealed to me. Now I have eternal life, crowned in glory forevermore. [Chorus] Thank You Jesus, You died to save me. I believe the power of the cross. By Your blood, I'm washed. By Your stripes, I'm healed. I receive with Open arms. Thank You Jesus, I've been forgiven, for You are the one who lives in me. By Your grace, I'm redeemed. By Your pow'r, I'm set free. The Power of the cross lives inside of me. [Bridge] Wash me, Lord, white as snow. Heal me, Lord, make me whole. [Tag] By your grace,I'm redeemed. By Your pow'r, I'm set free. The Power of the cross lives within me.


讚美之泉28 恢復敬拜

Stream of Praise Music Ministries


Stream of Praise Music Ministries