恢復敬拜 Revive Our Worship

C 4/4 35 72 中,英 耶 29:12,摩 9:11,珥 2:23
作詞: 鄭懋柔 Tiffany M. Cheng, 游智婷 Sandy Yu 作曲: 游智婷 Sandy Yu 詩歌本: 讚美之泉28 恢復敬拜 6
[Verse] 我們的心渴望被祢充滿 乾涸之地期盼被祢澆灌 從荒蕪到應許中的豐富 期盼春雨降臨 [Chorus] 降下祢的榮耀 潔淨醫治這地 恢復倒塌榮耀祭壇 恢復我們的敬拜 [Bridge] 我們謙卑 我們回轉 站在破口中禱告呼求 獻上生命 領受呼召 重建祭壇 恢復敬拜 [Verse] Come fill us, Lord this is our heart's desire. Come pour Your stream on this dry, thirsty land. Turn barrenness into abundant grace. we cry, rain come down. [Chorus] Let Your glory fall down. purify heal our hearts. Let us restore the altar of praise. Revive our worship in this place. [Bridge] We will bow down, we turn our hearts. Standing in the gap, we pray as one. Lay down our lives, follow Your call. Send revival in this land.


讚美之泉28 恢復敬拜

Stream of Praise Music Ministries


Stream of Praise Music Ministries