我要看見 I Want to See

C 4/4 29 70 中,英
作詞: 游智婷 Sandy Yu 作曲: 周巽倩 Mary Chikagami Lee 詩歌本: 讚美之泉28 恢復敬拜 7
[Verse] 求祢降下同在 在祢子民的敬拜中 求祢顯出榮耀 在祢子民的讚美中 [Chorus] 我要看見 我要看見 如同摩西看見祢的榮耀 我要看見 我要看見 這世代要看見祢榮耀 我們呼求祢的名 求祢恩待我們 我們宣告祢的名 求祢憐憫我們 求祢與我們同行 使我們得安息 在祢眼前蒙恩 [Verse] Let Your presence fall down on the worship of Your people. Let Your glory come down on the praises of Your children. [Chorus] Show Your glory, I want to see, just as Moses saw Your glorious face Show Your glory, I want to see, we long to see Your glory come I want to see Let Your presence fall down on the worship of Your people Let Your glory come down on the praises of Your children. Show Your glory, I want to see, just as Moses saw Your glorious face. Show Your glory, I want to see, we long to see Your glory come. [Bridge] We cry out to You, our king, let Your favor fall down. We declare Your holy name Let Your grace fill the earth. May You always be with us, for You are our delight, till we see You face to face.


讚美之泉28 恢復敬拜

Stream of Praise Music Ministries


Stream of Praise Music Ministries