數不盡 Grace Beyond All Measure

D 4/4 29 63 中,英 詩 46:10, 62:1, 65:11, 130:5-6; 來 4:9-11; 耶 1:10
作詞: 余盈盈 Sarah Yu 作曲: 余盈盈 Sarah Yu 詩歌本: 讚美之泉28 恢復敬拜 12
[Verse 1] 有一種力量叫安息 有一份堅強名依靠 生命中每個停留 都有主的美意 等待 成我無聲的祈禱 [Verse 2] 在寂靜無人的夜裏 凝望著寬闊的星際 原來倉促的步伐 可以放慢一點 等候 讓平安湧入心裡 [Chorus] 數不盡 數不盡祢的恩典 說不清 我心中的感謝 每個破碎 祢要再次地重建 是愛的印記 留下的痕跡 數不盡 數不盡祢的恩典 說不清 我心中的感謝 每個季節 我都清楚看見 [Verse 1] There is a power called resting. There is a name I can trust in. Every moment in my life is in God's perfect plan. Be still and await on Him in prayer. [Verse 2] Here by myself in the silence gazing in awe at the stars above. In my rushed and restless life I learned to take a breath. Be still let His peace flow to my heart. [Chorus] Thank You Lord Your grace beyond all measure. Thank You Lord Your blessings in my life My brokenness You will mend me once again. Each scar in my heart is a mark of love. Thank You Lord Your grace beyond all measure. Thank You Lord Your blessings in my life. I see Your hand in all seasons of life. Every detail of my life overflows with Your grace.


讚美之泉28 恢復敬拜

Stream of Praise Music Ministries


Stream of Praise Music Ministries