
Copyright 1995 Stream of Praise Music 1995

1 讚美之泉

Stream of Praise

2 讓讚美飛揚

Let Praise Arise

3 我們是光明之子

We Are the Children of Light

4 新造的人

A New Creation

5 從今天起

From This Day On

6 有一位神

There Is A God

7 誰能像祢

Who Is Like You

8 如果你想知道

If You Want To Know (Where Love is)

9 是耶穌

It's Jesus

10 萬軍之耶和華

Almighty Jehovah

11 萬人禱告的殿

Temple of Prayer

12 我對祢的愛永不變

My Love for You Will Never Change

13 我要仰望耶和華

I Will Look To The Lord

14 全然向祢

All For You

15 愛喜樂生命

Love,Joy And Life

16 犧牲的愛

The Sacrificial Love

17 讚美從心而出

Let Praise Come From Your Heart

18 除祢以外

Whom Have I But You

19 光明之子

Children of Light

20 把冷漠變成愛

Fill Our Heart With Love

21 生命的舵手

The Navigator of My Life

22 如鷹展翅上騰

Like An Eagle

23 主賜福如春雨

Rain of Blessings

24 興起發光

Arise and Shine

25 你們要讚美耶和華

Praise The Lord All Ye People